The Arts: Art, Music and DT
We aim to offer pupils the opportunity to be creative and develop practical skills, leading to a greater self-awareness and enhancing personal development. They learn to be critical of and to appreciate the work of artists. Through our art teaching we hope to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
We are proud of our high standards achieved in Art and Design, evident through displays around school. Our success and high standards in ‘The Arts’ curriculum has been recognised through gaining the ‘Artsmark’ Award in May 2004, renewed in 2008 and 2010 to Silver Level. In 2014, we achieved the Gold standard. In 2021 we were awarded the 'Artsmark' Silver Award.
Art and DT are also taught through our blocked approach. This ensures that key skills are taught and that progression in skills is evident from Reception through to Year 6. We use the Kapow scheme of work to support our long-term planning in these subjects. Within Art, we are working hard to promote the use of sketchbooks in all classes, where children can be free to express and explore ideas and themes through a variety of medium, and also gives them the opportunity to be reflective on their own work and that of their peers.
Our Music lessons are taught using the Kapow scheme of work. We are also a ‘singing school’ and promote a love of singing and music throughout school.
All classes enjoy our ‘Musician of the Month’ where each day, they are exposed to music from a key musician (both past and present) and they are able to share how it makes them feel and their likes and dislikes. This has received positive feedback from children and parents, as parents join in by listening to them at home too!
We have recently partnered with JMP Music and now offer all classes a term each year of whole class ukulele tuition. The team of experienced peripatetic tutors also offer individual and small group tuition in piano/keyboard, ukulele/guitar, singing and violin. There has been a large uptake in lessons and we can't wait to showcase our Leverington talent in our end of year concert!
Live performances remain a priority, with a whole school trip to our local pantomime, visiting musicians and theatre companies, Young Voices and the 02 and trips to the Royal Opera House. We have continued to develop our relationships with Arts Organisations including 20 Twenty CIC and have also planned trust wide Arts experiences such as our Jubilee Arts Week.