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Reception - Matisse Class

Spring Term Second Half 2024

This half term our topic will be Growing and Changing. We have lots to look forward to including a visit to the farm.

Spring Term 2024

Welcome back to the Spring Term. Take a look at our learning summary for the term below. We have lots of exciting things planned to look forward to!

Autumn Term 2023

Welcome to Matisse class. We are so looking forward to welcoming our new reception starters to our Leverington family. Take a look at our learning summary for the term below. We have lots of exciting things planned to look forward to!

Summer Term 2023

Welcome back to the Summer term. As always, we have lots to look forward to this term and will also be getting ready for our transition to Year 1. Please see below our learning summary for the term ahead to see some of the exciting things we have planned. 

Welcome back to the new Spring term!

This term Hawking Class will be taught by Mrs Pooley and will be supported in class by Miss Briggs, Mrs Kingelliott, Mr Sandy and Miss Clarke. Below is our learning summary for the term ahead. You can see we have lots of exciting things planned, including a trip to the farm!

Welcome to Hawking Class,

Learning Summary

The Learning Summary below will give you an idea of the different areas that we will be learning this term.

Helpful Hints

Here is a helpful hints page with some activities you could do at home with your children to support mathematics.

Here is a helpful hints page with some activities you could do at home with your children to support literacy.

Topic Web

Here is a Topic Web which explains what we will be completing in the first couple of weeks of school while the children are still transitioning and settling into school.

Summer Term 2021-2022

Hello everyone,

My name is Miss Coates and I am your class teacher in Reception.

The children have had a great Spring Term and we are all ready to start the Summer Term. The children will be continuing to learn within the provision, within guided groups and independently. This term we will be learning different texts including Handa's Surprise, The Queen's Knickers and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The children will have many opportunities to access different activities surrounding the topic, for example our role play area is currently a fruit and vegetable shop with real fruit.

Handa's Surprise Topic Web

This explains what the children will be learning around our focus text of Handa's Surprise:

Handa's Surprise Story Map

You can use the story map with actions that we have created in school to help you retell the story of Handa's Surprise.

Helpful Hints for Mathematics

This has been designed to give you fun and simple ways to support your child at home with developing their mathematics skills.

Helpful Hints for Literacy

These have been designed to give you fun and simple ways to support your child at home with developing their mathematics skills.


Summer Term Learning Summary

Spring Term Learning Summary

During the Spring Term, we went on our first school trip to Church Farm with Class 1. We had the opportunity to feed lambs, feed pigs during a tractor ride, as well as observing and learning about new life. 

As well as this, we experienced looking after chicks. We watched them hatch from eggs and took care of them by feeding them and making sure they had clean bedding.

Autumn Term Learning Summary