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Year 4 - Picasso Class

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Spring Learning Summary

Welcome to Picasso's Class page

Here you will find everything you need to know about what Year 4 will be learning  throughout the Autumn Term!

This year, Miss Sugden is our class teacher and alongside her we are lucky to have Mrs Cooper and Mr Sandy as our classroom Teaching Assistants. Together, we make a fantastic team and will work extremely hard to help every child succeed.

Below, you will see the learning summary which explains what we will cover in the curriculum during this term, as well as expectations for homework:













English: Our writing for this term will focus on using a beautifully illustrated book called 'The Comet' to write in a variety of styles, including setting descriptions, persuasive letters and diary entries.  In our reading lessons, we will be using ' The Queen's Nose, ‘Young, Gifted and Black’ and ’The Girl Who Stole An Elephant’ to strengthen our summarising, retrieval and inference skills.







Spellings: Each week we will focus on a different spelling rule and this term will include rules that focus on some suffixes, such as –ly, -sure, -sion, -tion, -ous, and –cian, as well as spellings that have a difference in their sound and spelling. We will continue to look at different words taken from the Year 3 & 4 Spelling list.

Maths: Our lessons will focus on place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as learning more about area. Part of our maths lessons will also have a big focus on times tables, with time each day to complete an activity linked to them. This aims to improve the speed and recall of all times tables facts between 1 and 12, in preparation for the Multiplication Times Table Check set by the DfE. This takes place in June.

Science Study: Becoming a Scientist.

Each week of the term will focus on a different enquiry skill based on a different experiment, which will teach the children how to investigate in different ways. Eventually, we will be using these skills in future investigations. These skills include: observing over time, identifying, classifying and grouping, pattern seeking and comparative and fair testing.


History Study: 

Our History lessons this term will look at Britain's settlement by Anglo-Saxons and The Scots.


Our lessons will answer questions around 'Why the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain, and what life was like for them'. The class will take a deep look into how we know so much about the Anglo-Saxons and how religion influenced them. 


Art and DT:

In art, our units will explore drawing and printing through 'power prints' as well as opportunities to paint using the theme of 'light and dark'. Within Design Technology, our first unit of work will be based around food and nutrition where we will explore about what nutrition means and have a go at making pizzas, bread and soup! 

PSHE and Religion & World Views: Throughout this term, PSHE lessons will centre around citizenship and understanding different rights, rules and responsibilities. There will also be activities linked to our understanding of families, friends and anti-bullying. Each child has a personal development journal to record what they have learnt, as well as a shared class journal which will be used to record different activities and comments.

Religion and World Views will focus on the following learning questions: Are all religions equal? and How can books also be teachers?

PE: For this term, our PE lessons will be on a Thursday (Dance) and a Friday (Rounders). These will be led by Mr Allen or Anya Fitzgerald, who is a dance teacher. In dance, the children are focusing on street dance and will be given many creative tasks to help to build up different routines and actions. In rounders, Mr Allen will look to recap and develop the fundamental skills needed in rounders first, before applying them into different game scenarios.

Computing: Mr Sandy will be leading these lessons, and will be able to help the children learn more about E-Safety, and staying safe online, as well as learning more about different computing and coding systems. 


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