School policies and procedures cover every aspect of school life.
The majority of our school policies are adopted from The Diamond Learning Partnership Trust and can be viewed by visiting the DLPT: https://diamondlearningtrust.com/policies/
Our academy also has other local policies and appendices which are available to view below.
Paper copies of policies and documents can be provided on request.
Following our consultation with parents last year, we have amended the RSHE policy in line with changes to the delivery of our curriculum. The new policy can be found here:
- Diamond Learning Partnership Trust Policies Trust policies
RSHE Policy 2022-2023
Whole school policies
- Accessibility Policy.pdf
- DLPT Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf
- DLPT Conflicts of Interest Policy.pdf
- DLPT Equality and Diversity Policy.pdf
- Equality information.pdf
- DLPT SEND Policy.pdf
- Policy coversheet.pdf
- DLPT Whistleblowing Policy.pdf
- DLPT Freedom of Information Policy.pdf
- Positive behaviour policy September 2023.pdf
- Stars system September 2023.pdf
- Anti-bullying Policy Feb 2023.pdf
- DLPT Primary Attendance and Absence Policy Mar 24.pdf
Safeguarding policies
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy September 2024.pdf
- Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2023_part_one.pdf
- Protocol for children not collected from school Jan 2024.pdf
- Safe collection of children Jan 2024.pdf
- Prevent Policy DLPT.pdf
Medical, Health and Safety policies
- DLPT Control of Infections.pdf
- DLPT First Aid & Medicine Policy.pdf
- DLPT Intimate Care policy.pdf
- DLPT Medical Needs Policy.pdf
- Medical needs cover sheet.pdf
Leadership and Management policies
Privacy Notices
- Privacy Notice for Job Applicants.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Pupils.pdf
- Privacy Notice for School Workforce.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Suppliers of Goods and Services.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Trustees and Volunteers.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Visitors.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Parents and Carers.pdf